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What you get when you become a Nutrisense member:

Nutritionist for

A chat guidance between Nutrisense dietitian with our customer displayed on top of a plate full of salad

CGM Device for Insights

products available in

Mobile App for accountability

Nutrisense mobile app showing tracking activity
products available in

Use a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) for

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Real-time glucose

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Glucose response to meals

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Fasting and meal timing

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Physical activity and exercise routines

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Stress and sleep

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Habits and routines

A CGM is a small device that stays on the back of your arm and monitors your glucose values 24/7. Use a CGM to track:

What our
members have to say


Amanda Seitz

"Just knowing that I had real-time access to witness my blood glucose response would give me the willpower to resist . . . It was fun and definitely helped keep me on track with my goals."


Linda Salant

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that what works for one person may not work for the next . . . We should always be evaluating and ready for change if what we’re consistently doing is not serving us.”


Shaye Reynolds

“Using the CGM has been such a great experience. I am keenly aware of what I eat and how it affects me without being overly obsessed with it . . . I would wear the CGM indefinitely if I could.”


Stuart Tutler

"I think the Nutrisense CGM program is a great value for what you're getting. Especially since you can also talk to a nutritionist while using the service."