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What you get when you become a Nutrisense member:

Nutritionist for

A chat guidance between Nutrisense dietitian with our customer displayed on top of a plate full of salad

CGM Device for Insights

products available in

Mobile App for accountability

Nutrisense mobile app showing tracking activity
products available in

Use a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) for

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Real-time glucose

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Glucose response to meals

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Fasting and meal timing

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Physical activity and exercise routines

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Stress and sleep

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Habits and routines

A CGM is a small device that stays on the back of your arm and monitors your glucose values 24/7. Use a CGM to track:

What our
members have to say


Meredith Standrige

"I knew I wanted to keep using the CGM because when I didn’t have it, I missed it! . . . the 12 months is like a yearly gym membership. It made more sense, cost-wise, to sign up for the 12-month commitment."


Charlotte LaGuardia

“I think using a CGM provides more than accountability; it’s information! These data points and experiments help us learn about our bio-individuality, which help us make more informed decisions in the future.”


Bryce Twichell

“My main goal was to find what foods worked best for me, so I could “tune” things to my own body. Nutrisense was the best balance of availability and price."


Amanda Seitz

"Just knowing that I had real-time access to witness my blood glucose response would give me the willpower to resist . . . It was fun and definitely helped keep me on track with my goals."